Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12: Rollyo = Problemos: Lost and Confused

Ok, maybe I am just over-thinking this website. I created an account ( and added in searchtools that I use on a regular basis, but I was like, "Um, what?" I tend to use "Favorites" and save to my "Favorites" when I am at home or on my laptop. Honestly, I don't care of the website and on top of that, I am not 100% sure if I am accessing it the correct way. HELP!

1 comment:

JimD said...

I thought Rollyo was interesting but I haven't landed on any great personal use for it yet either. Of course, I worry that there's something lacking in ME when that happens. Maybe one day I'll find a use for it. In the meantime, it's always good to know about this stuff. Luckily we only need to be aware of it and not become experts in all of it. We'll all end up using different things that we've learned in this program, I think.