Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Technology Interest for the Week (Week #3 Thing 7)

When it comes to technology, there is a lot to admire that we have a tendency to take for granted. It seems that depending on the season determines what piece of technology I love the most. On these hot, hot days, I am in LOVE with my air conditioning.

People assume that since my birthday is in the summer, I love the summer. No people, I love the winter. I love being cold. In fact, before the evil trolls at BGE changed the rates, I kept my house in the mid 60s. (I am trying to keep this as G-rated as possible, so give me credit for that.) Even though I must raise the thermostat several degrees (I now keep it at 75), I am still utterly grateful to be able to keep cool within my home. I am DEFINITELY admiring this during a week where the temperature outside is set on Hell. (OK, so I AT LEAST kept this blog PG rated.)

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