Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23 YEAH! I'M DONE!

YES! I was able to get all 23 Things completed all while going to school, working, and dealing with a renovation to the branch! Am I good or what?! :-)

Overall, several aspects of 23 Things were technology usages that I had heard of in the past. Some I already had experience with and others I did not, but overall it was a lot of fun and it opened my eyes to new things. I assumed that this was going to be a breeze, that I would know everything going in and would have no stress. Ok, scratch the "no stress" aspect. I did overthing De-li-ci-ous or whatever it is called, and the OverDrive.

I had a blast with RSS and Podcast and are currently working with those features at home. As a computer major in school, I am expected to keep up with the ever changing trends to technology and this was something that enabled me to do that. It was cool to work with other staff members who were a little more confused about certain things.

I will admit, the prizes helped in my decision to do the program, but knowing that I could possibly walk away with a little something extra (and get away from the monotonous every day work I am required to do) was a bonus. (Ok, I'm lying. I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT THE WII!!!) But I really did have fun!

If BCPL were to offer another program like this, I would sign up to participate...even if prizes were not involved. Many people think that just because they are workng in the circulation department, they don't have to know other technologically based information. WRONG! Well, somewhat. I see it as no different then when I was using a lot of slang as a kid and my mother would give me a quizzical look because she had no idea what I was saying. The same goes for the library. You may NEVER do anything that we did on 23 Things again in life, but at least if you hear about it in conversation, you will know what the hell people are talking about.

Maryland 23 Things gives people who are and are not tech savvy a chance to explore new technological worlds. It is up to the individual to open their ears, eyes, and mind to something new. Granted, you may become frustrated, but think of all you will have to share in the end.


JimD said...

Yikes! I just noticed that you'd finished. Sorry, I fell behind a bit! Congratulations and thank you for sticking with the program. It has been an interesting trip for a lot of us! I'll add a star to your blog name on the participants page so you'll be listed with the folks who have finished.

Anonymous said...

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