Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 6 Thing 14 Technorati...whaa???

Just like with Google, I typed in "Learning 2.0" and received many different feedbacks. I think one actually has "Learning" and "2.0" right next to one another, lol. Majority just separated the two words. Um, I guess this is interesting...right?

When it came to the favorite and top blogs, I was not surprised to find numerous blogs about quick ways to make money, and computer terms that most people over the age of 25 are clueless about or, in many instances, could care less about.

The Top Searches reminded me of looking at With top stories like the Minnesota bridge collapsing being near the top. Granted, with all the tragedies taking place in the world, how can we NOT get past one day without Youtube, Facebook, and the grade Resistance (did I spell that right?) PARIS HILTON! What will this world do without ONE DAY of Paris Hilton's name being plastered somewhere?! I guess the plus side is that we should all be happy that Britney "Slut" Spears is not on the least...not at the current moment.

Once again, yet another interesting site, but I do not see myself using it anytime in the near future.

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